Mary Mullen Obituary
In Loving Memory of

Mary Carmella Mullen

September 11, 1927 ~ January 7, 2024

Obituary of Mary Carmella Mullen

Mary Carmella Mullen was reunited with the love of her life Howard George (1971) on January 7th 2024, gracefully, naturally and in comfort surrounded by her Family’s love. Mary, who was in her 97th year, lived a vibrant and robust life filled with joy, resilience and good health.

Loving Mother of Michael (Carole) Mullen, Marion (Jeff) Mazi, Kathleen Mullen Spironello, David (Edith) Mullen.

Legendary Gramma to April (Sean), Melanie (Thomas), Faye (Joce), Stacey, Emily (Sid), Tessie (George), Maree (Brandon), Katie (Codey), Michael (2006) (Katherine), Andrea (Christopher), Amanda (Sal), David.
Great Gramma to Jackson, Fia, Bastion, Simon, Clare, River, Fox, Frankie, Elle.

Beloved Daughter of Michael (1985) & Carmella (1932 Collini) DeCampo. Dear Sister & best friend to Edith (Ken) Pyle, Louie (2012) (Gwen) DeCampo, Anne Osborne (1995) who were all raised with the Collini siblings in their Vine Street home in St. Catharines as one big family through the 1930s.

Mary worked on the farm at a young age: rock-picking, harvesting produce and driving the tractor. In the 1960s, Mary & Howard built their family home and asparagus farm on Catalina St. in Niagara Falls. Throughout her early motherhood, she contributed greatly to a growing and thriving neighbourhood. She was a respected employee of Welch's Grape Juice for thirty years; she was one of the first women to become a foreman in a plant. Mary then cherished her time working with her family at Mullen Garden Market. As the matriarch, she was an integral part of the Market and was celebrated by the community.

Mary truly enjoyed life. She loved spending time with family & friends and always made everyone feel special, included and together. Mary never missed a party. She rejoiced in cheering on her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren at sport games, concerts, movie screenings, art shows and was always present at family milestones. She fancied going out for breakfast, hosting spaghetti dinners, helping in the garden, and travelling the world with her family. Mary loved bingo, going to the casino, playing cards and games with her friends. She was excited to win, but most of all, she won at life!

Words fall short in expressing the depth of Mary’s exemplary love and life spanning 11 decades. We are forever grateful. Always standing tall, she is a true inspiration.

Thank you to Dr. A. MacTavish and her staff for many years of care.

As per Ma’s wishes, Mary’s life will be celebrated intimately with her family.

Mary showed us what life is for. It’s to love each other, to take care of each other, to listen (really listen), to laugh (really laugh). To take pride in your family, your home and your work. To know yourself. To be present for both the big and small moments. To find happiness each day.

We love you so much.

Service Information

There are no upcoming public services scheduled or the service has occurred in the past.

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Susan Watkinson Bauz
13 days ago

Until today I did not know beautiful Mrs Mullen had passed away. I am sorry I wasn’t aware and feel so sad that I didn’t know. Seeing Marion I felt so sad as Mrs. Mullen was a beautiful lady but a lady who loved her family and was a joy to spend time at the market. She was an example of what a wonderful mother is I loved spending time with her. My sympathy to the family. Love ❤️ Susan

Sue Hilston and family
5 months ago

Our heartfelt condolences to the entire Mullen family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. We pray you all find comfort in sharing special memories during this difficult time. Our Mom has probably recruited your Mom again to play slo-pitch! Thinking of you all and sending lots of love and support. ❤️

Debbie Willick
5 months ago

To The Mullin family, I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. Mary was the best; pretty, smart, funny, caring, bingo queen, she was the boss! Now to join those that have gone before her and catch them up with our world, and start a new beginning in their world. I’m sending big hugs for all of you.

Ken,Chris Wright and families
5 months ago

To the Mullen family,
Thinking of you at this time. It’s hard to lose the matriarch of your family. Mary was so patient and always there for you guys. She raised you right, and it shows. We have to be appreciative of the many years she was able to be with you all. She’ll be fondly remembered by all the Wrights I’m sure.

Debra York and family
5 months ago

My deepest condolences to the Mullen family. Although I did not know Mary’s family, I knew Mary very well. In 1973, I was 18 years old and got hired at Welch’s (then known as Powell foods}. I was terrified of working at this huge factory. Mary took me under her wing and helped me with the training and made me feel like I could do this job and even when I was not sure of coming back the next day, Mary told me to come back and give it another try. 14 years later I finally moved on and I will never forget this wonderful lady. She was one of the hardest workers I have ever known and her kind heart made everyone love her. Thank you Mary. Your family has lost someone who can never be replaced.

Carol and Sam Sirianni
5 months ago

Dear Kathleen and family. Our sincerest condolences at this time of sorrow. Our prayers go out to you all.

In loving memory ...
I/we pledge to make a memorial donation.
Anna Luciano and family
5 months ago

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal. Our deepest condolences for your loss. The Luciano Family

Ronnie Yakobchuk
5 months ago

Dear Mike, Marion, Cathy and Dave.
My condolences to all of her family.
Over the years I have seen Mary stand firm in all areas of life. A lady of integrity, compassion, and strength for all those who knew her. To see her at the market was a joy in itself. Always a kind word and a smile. She is sadly missed.
Its been an honour to have known her for so many years. Neighbour and friend.

Last edited 5 months ago by Ronnie Yakobchuk
Ernie Berken
5 months ago

Mary is a person who was both beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside. She was a shining example for her family on how to be caring and respectful of others. Her children became hard working individuals as well as modest in their accomplishments. She led by example to be energetic, curious. adventurous, and (above all) to be caring for family. To all of her family, we are priveleged to have known you for so long. You mean so much to us. Please accept our condolences for your loss. Sincerely, the Berken family.

Guy & Lois Demers
5 months ago

Dear Mike and family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all as you mourn the loss of your mom, grandmother, sister, aunt and dear friend.
With heartfelt sympathy.
Guy & Lois

Scott & Maria
5 months ago

Our sincere condolences to you all, Aunt Mary was a wonderful person and will be missed by all whom knew her. All our lives are enriched through our experiences with Mary.

Anne Mierzwa
5 months ago

To the Mullen family – I am so sorry for your loss. Aunt Mary was an amazing person, and she lives on through all of you. What good memories you must have, and I hope that you can lean on them to help remind you of the joy she brought into your life. Sending hugs, with love from Anne.

A donation has been made to the Niagara Children’s Centre in memory of Aunt Mary.

Donna Caldwell
5 months ago

Marion and family. My heart goes out to you all at this most difficult time your lives . She leaves such a beautiful legacy of Love and Family. There is such love felt whenever the girls spoke of their gramma. Prayers and Love . Donna

In loving memory ...
I/we pledge to make a memorial donation.
James Appleyard
5 months ago

What an inspiring woman! Thoughts to the Mullens from James Appleyard and family – brother of George who is married to Mary’s granddaughter Tessie.

Iris Wells
5 months ago

Dear Mike and family: We are sending our sincere condolences to you all. Your mother was a wonderful person, we (my Mom especially) have many fond memories of her. Big hugs!
Love Iris, Bruce, and Barbara and family.

Trish Gerry
5 months ago

Our sincerest condolences on the passing of your grandmother. You your family and friends will be in our thoughts and prayers. Sending lots of hugs and love your way.

Jackie Campigotto
5 months ago

My condolences to all. Mary had a beautiful family, and a Spirit and Soul full of Love for all of you and Life! Sending all of you my biggest hugs and love….

Emily Moran
5 months ago

Sending love and blessings to all of you. What a woman! A force that we were all honoured to have known. ❤️

Valerie Rowe
5 months ago

My sincere condolence to all of Mary’s wonderful family. My Mom, Velma Pool, was Mary’s neighbour, bingo and casino partner for many years. Mary was an awesome friend to my Mom including her in family dinners and giving my Mom to opportunity to watch Mary’s young ones grow into the fine people they are today.
Deepest Sympathy ❤️

Linda Tamburri
5 months ago

To the Mullen family. I have known and grown up with.
RIP 🙏🌹❤

In loving memory ...
I/we pledge to make a memorial donation.
Molly Jacobi
5 months ago

To the Mullen family,
I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear mom. I always enjoyed seeing her, be it at the market or Harvey’s for breakfast. A fine lady.

Anne Patane
5 months ago

Marion,Mike & families
My condolences. Was always a pleasure seeing your mom at the market.
Wishing you many fond memories and strength in the days ahead.

Jim and Fiona
5 months ago

Mike, Marion and family.
So sorry to here of Marys passing.
Prayers for all of you.

Pat and Diana Dintino and family
5 months ago

Our deepest condolences on the loss of a fantastic mother grandmother and a friend to all

Diane Cam
5 months ago

Mike..Kathleen..Marion and David…
I am very sorry for the loss of your mother. Mary was such a great lifetime neighbour and friend. She will always be in our thoughts. My deepest heartfelt condolences to the Mullen family.

Last edited 5 months ago by Diane Cam
Andrea Wallace-Solose
5 months ago

Mary was a wonderful person and always a pleasure to see
. She was the best friend to my Gram (Velma Pool) I’m sure they will be playing bingo and hitting some slot’s….condolences to the entire family 🙏

Tim Shafley
5 months ago

Mike, Marion and families… I am so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing… She was such a nice lady… Going to miss seeing her at the market and having short conversations with her… She was such a nice lady…. RIP Mrs Mullen..

David DeRocco
5 months ago

My sincere condolences on the loss of such an integral member of your family. Here’s hoping you have a lifetime of happy memories to share as you grieve her loss.

Wendy Lindberg
5 months ago

To all the family, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Mary. She really was the kindest person I ever met. Always smiling always kind words to all. I remember going to bingo with her and she not only watched her cards but mine too. She taught me how to make her salad dressing and I still use it to this day. She definitely was a special lady, and she will live on in the hearts of her family. Thinking of you all and sending my deepest sympathies. I will be with you all in spirit as you say your goodbyes.

RIP Mary, a beautiful lady inside and out. 💞

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.


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