Leila Withall Obituary
In Loving Memory of

Leila Withall

1933 ~ 2024

Obituary of Leila Withall

In her 86th year, on Monday, March 11, 2024, Leila Margaret Withall, passed from this world peacefully in her sleep. Leila was born in Chislehurst, County Kent, England and when she was 1 year old, Leila and her family moved to Cardiff, Wales where she grew up.
Although born in England, Leila always said she "felt Welsh" in her heart. Leila trained to be a nurse and midwife in Cardiff and after 3 years of service, emigrated to Canada, arriving in St. Catharines in 1964. Leila worked at the St. Catharines General Hospital for 3 years, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Toronto for 15 years, and returned to St. Catharines to work at the Hotel Dieu Hospital until her retirement.
Leila was involved in Girl Guiding with the Thorold Brownies for many years. There, she lead countless young girls on fun camping trips and made many friends. She was an avid tennis fan, Blue Jays fan and a talented knitter. Leila's knitting kept 3 generations of her many adopted nieces, nephews and grandkids warm with her beautiful handiwork.
Leila is predeceased by her siblings: Desmond (Bette) Withall, Aidan Withall, Noreen Withall, and lifelong friends, Swaraj Vir, Mary Cullen and Ann Furney. Leila is survived and will be missed by her Nephew David (Iris) and Niece Anne (Simon) and Sister-in-Law Marion Withall, all of England, and Nieces Pam (Michael) and Jen (Dave) in Australia. Leila will also be missed by her dear friend Dawn Robinson and chosen sister of 60 years, Maureen McGeorge and the rest of her adopted Canadian family. A special thank you to Leila's neighbours who kept her safe and smiling and were always looking out for her. Funeral Mass will take place at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, at 11:00 on Friday, March 22, 2024. There will be a reception to follow.

Service Information

Funeral Mass

Date: March 22, 2024
Start Time: 11:00 am
End Time: 12:00 pm
Venue: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church,
316 Queenston St, St. Catharines, ON
L2P 2X4

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