Obituary photo of Paul Millward
In Loving Memory of

Paul Douglas Millward Jr.


Obituary of Paul Douglas Millward Jr.

Suddenly yet peacefully in his home, Paul passed away on Sunday, June 9, 2024, at the age of 49. He will be forever loved and remembered by his partner of 24 years, Troy Reynolds. He is survived by his son Gage, his dear brother Gregory and his sister Julie. Paul will be dearly missed by Madison, his extended family, and especially by his beloved dog Oreo. He was predeceased by his mother Millie and his sister Sherry, who sadly passed away just two weeks before Paul.

Born and raised in Niagara, Paul was happy being a small-town guy. He had a deep love for gardening and was passionate about old country music. He took great pride in maintaining his yard, often found splitting hostas and ensuring everything was in perfect order. A true homebody, Paul enjoyed socializing and playing host to his friends, always ensuring everyone had a good time.

In accordance with his wishes, cremation has taken place, and no services are planned at this time. Friends and family are invited to share their condolences on his tribute page found at

Service Information

There are no upcoming public services scheduled or the service has occurred in the past.

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Judith Gilbert
16 days ago

Mark and I are so very sorry for the loss of Paul. While we never met, knowing your partner Troy you must have been exemplary. Rest well


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