Bob Storrie Obituary
In Loving Memory of

Robert "Bob" Daniel Storrie

1951 ~ 2024

Obituary of Robert "Bob" Daniel Storrie

In loving memory Robert “Bob” Daniel Storrie who passed away peacefully on May 20, 2024.

Bob was predeceased by his beloved parents, Mildred and Robert Storrie, his brother Gregory, and sisters Margaret "Peggy" and Sandra "Sam" Bowman.

He is survived by his devoted daughter Vicki, four cherished grandchildren, and four adored great-grandchildren, as well as his special friend Maureen.

Bob had a passion for speed, whether it was on motorcycles or boats. He lived life to the fullest and found joy in spoiling his grandchildren and great-grandchildren rotten.

In keeping with Bob’s wishes cremation has taken place and arrangements are entrusted to Essentials Cremation and Burial Services. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Cancer Society of Canada would be appreciated.

May his memory live on in the hearts of all who knew and loved him.

Service Information

There are no upcoming public services scheduled or the service has occurred in the past.

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Mike & Barb
10 days ago

Bob will be missed, lots of memories, RIP say hi to Greg – condolences to family & Maureen

Bob@Shelagh Jackson
22 days ago

so sorry to learn of Bobs passing been friends since we rode the bus to school as kids

Daniel McDonald
22 days ago

Bob was a very talented and caring friend He will be deeply missed

Bonnie Thibert
1 month ago

Sending all our love and condolences to you and your family.


The family of Robert "Bob" Daniel Storrie would like you to consider placing a donation to one of the following charities:

Cancer Society of Canada
Visit Site

Note:  If you make a donation, please notify the family by posting a condolence.

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