In Loving Memory of

Robert Wayne Lamky

1942 - 2024

Obituary of Robert Wayne Lamky

Passed away peacefully on June 12, 2024 at the age of 81. Robert was the beloved husband of Mary Lamky. Cherished father to Robert Jr. (Semra) Lamky, Brent (Melanie) Lamky, Paul Lamky, and Natalie (Chris) Hureau. He was a proud grandfather to Mary Lamky, Alexis (Jordan) Mark, Hope Lamky, Amanda Cole, and his grandsons Joshua and Derek Richards. Great-grandfather to Nola Cole, Brody Mark and Christian Mark. Robert is also remembered by many nieces and nephews, including his nephews Daryl Lamky and Roger Chamberlain. Robert was the youngest of five born to James and Deloris Lamky. He is predeceased by his siblings Jean Chamberlain, Betty Wagner, Aylmer Lamky, and Edward Lamky.

Robert was raised in Mount Pleasant. In his late teens, he moved to Brantford and lived here and in the surrounding area throughout his life. Robert worked for over 30 years in the Trucking Industry, first working for Arnold Brothers and eventually for Auto Haulaway. Robert will be remembered for his love of animals. He loved his dogs, and also enjoyed his hobby farm, where he had bulls, horses, goats, sheep, chickens and of course, dogs always at his side.

The family expresses their heartfelt thanks to the staff at River Road Retirement Home, with special thanks to Shelly Potter for her care and support.

Cremation has taken place, and in keeping with Robert's wishes there will be no visitation or funeral service.

Service Information

There are no upcoming public services scheduled or the service has occurred in the past.

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Gloria Crawford (nee Giles)
3 days ago

I have many happy memories of Bob. We grew up in Mt. Pleasant across the road from each other.. He always kept in touch with my Mom and Dad, Cec and Helen Giles. I always liked Bob, and remember him as a very caring and genuine guy. On behalf of my family, my thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very sad time. RIP my friend.


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