In Loving Memory of

Margaret Russell

1942 - 2024

Obituary of Margaret Russell

Margaret passed away peacefully, with her daughters by her side on June 19, 2024, at the age of 82. She is now reunited with her late husband Jimmy (2003). Loving mother of Janice (Jim) McAuley and Wendy Lecompte. Cherished grandma to Matthew McAuley (Giannina) and Jillian (Dallas) Tamlin. Proud Nana to her great-grandchildren Aubrey, Rory, Gwen, and Courtland. Margaret was predeceased by her siblings Jean, Rena, and George.

Margaret worked as a bookkeeper for over 40 years at the law firm of Houghton Sloniowski & Stengel, a job she took great pride in. Margaret loved playing board games and cards with her family; she was an active member of her cribbage league and looked forward to her card games twice a week on Saturdays and Tuesdays, where she will be dearly missed by her "card ladies". She also enjoyed playing bingo, especially her Monday trips to Fort Erie with her bingo buddies. She and her late husband Jimmy shared a love for playing darts at the Legion. One of Margaret’s greatest joys was travelling, especially with her beloved family. Whether it was yearly trips to Florida or Mexico, Margaret was content so long as she was surrounded by her family. She cherished their company above all else.

The family wishes to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the staff at St. Joe's Hospital in Hamilton for their compassionate care during Margaret's final days. Pursuant to her wishes, cremation has taken place and there will be no visitation or service. If desired, memorial donations may be made to St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton.

Service Information

There are no upcoming public services scheduled or the service has occurred in the past.

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1 day ago

Our deepest condolences on your loss. Keeping Everyone in our prayers
Menechella Family

In loving memory ...
I/we pledge to make a memorial donation.
Diane Chase
5 days ago

Mrs. Russell always had a wonderful smile and loved to laugh, especially when I couldn’t understand her accent. No matter how many times she told me to call her Margaret after I became an adult, she was always Mrs. Russell to me because of the deep respect I had for her. She loved her family so much and she knew how much you all loved her.
Our deepest condolences to all of you from Mark, Diane and the Chase crew.

William Melnychuk
5 days ago

Margaret was a wonderful person I learned so much from at work, from a student to a lawyer. Her strength was profound, especially with people that needed a nudge in the right direction. Her work ethic unmatched and her dedication to her craft will always be cherished. My sincerest condolences to her family for she will be greatly missed. Her memory will always live on.

In loving memory ...
I/we pledge to make a memorial donation.
Lynn & John Trevisonn
5 days ago

Janice, Wendy and Family. It is so hard to loose such a precious part of your family as well as ours at H S &S . Margaret was a true friend & co-worker. You always knew where you stood with her. It has been said that when we lose someone we love, we must learn not to live without them but to live with the love that they have left behind. That is our wish for you all. Please know our hearts are sincerely with you at this difficult time.

In loving memory ...
I/we pledge to make a memorial donation.
Doug and Lena Houghton
5 days ago

We were saddened to receive the news of Margaret’s passing. Margaret was our amazing and talented bookkeeping for so many years. She was a very dedicated and loyal employee but most of all she was a wonderful friend. We hold fond memories in our hearts of our dear Margaret Russell.

In loving memory ...
I/we pledge to make a memorial donation.
George & Anne xx
5 days ago

So very sorry to read such sad news very fond memories of both Margaret and Jim, our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Love to Janice. Wendy Jim and all the family

Joe Sloniowski
5 days ago

Margaret was a wonderful person and a delight to work with.

In loving memory ...
I/we pledge to make a memorial donation.
Ivan and Cheryl Plamondon
5 days ago

Our deepest sympathies on the passing of your mom, Margaret. She is now at peace, free from any medical burdens she endured throughout her final days. May God welcome her into his kingdom with everlasting love.


The family of Margaret Russell would like you to consider placing a donation to one of the following charities:

St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
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Note:  If you plan on making a donation, please notify the family by posting a condolence.

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