Obituary photo of Linda Lingaitis
In Loving Memory of

Linda Anne Lingaitis


Obituary of Linda Anne Lingaitis

Linda Anne Lingaitis, a strong and determined woman who was always ambitious and on the go, has now found her eternal rest as she passed away peacefully surrounded by her family on Monday, May 20, 2024, at the age of 56. Linda had a valiant fight with cancer over the past couple of years and she remained strong and positive right to the very end. Linda is survived by her loving husband, Nelson Diaz, with whom she shared a beautiful marriage that began in Colombia and were married in 2004. As a mother she was inspiring and was deeply loved by her children Sofia and Danny. She will be dearly missed by her parents, Astryda and John Lingaitis, and by her mother-in-law, Maria Orlanda (Felix Danilo, 2004). She will also be remembered by her brother-in-law, Jose Luis (Sandra), sisters-in-law, Tammy and Alexandra (Carlos), and her nieces and nephews, Kirstie and Courtney (Kevin), Paula Camila, Juan David, Juan Santiago, and Carlos Andres. She is remembered fondly by many friends, colleagues and acquaintances she met throughout her life. Linda has been reunited with her dear brother John Lingaitis (2023). 

A longtime resident of Niagara-on-the-Lake, Linda also lived in Colombia, where she met Nelson and began their family. Her career was diverse and impactful, with roles in hospitality at the Prince of Wales Hotel in Niagara-on-the-Lake, teaching in Colombia, expressing her creativity as a flower designer at the Watering Can, showing her entrepreneurial spirit as a franchise owner of Pig Out Catering, and working at Niagara Motors, Niagara Trailers, and the District School Board of Niagara. More recently, she was teaching at Vineridge School. The family would like to extend a special thank you to the healthcare team who provided Linda with treatments and care over the past two years.

In accordance with Linda's wishes, cremation will take place. Arrangements are entrusted to Essentials Cremation and Burial Services. Family and friends are invited to attend a Funeral Mass that will be held at the Cathedral of St. Catherine of Alexandria, 3 Lyman St, St. Catharines, on Friday, May 31, 2024 at 10:30am. Following Mass, an interment will take place at Niagara Lakeshore Cemetery, 1483 Lakeshore Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake. There will also be a celebration of Linda's life held at a later date, which will be announced in the near future. Family and friends are welcome to attend whichever service is convenient, or both if your time permits. If desired, memorial donations may be made to the St. Catharines Cathedral Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Online condolences may be shared on Linda's tribute page found at

Service Information

Funeral Mass

Date: May 31, 2024
Start Time: 10:30 am
End Time: 11:30 am
Venue: Cathedral of St. Catherine of Alexandria, 3 Lyman St, St. Catharines

Rite of Committal

Date: May 31, 2024
Start Time: 12:15 pm
End Time: 12:30 pm
Venue: Niagara Lakeshore Cemetery, 1483 Lakeshore Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake

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Sheryl Pagnotta
21 days ago

So sorry for you loss. It was so nice working with Linda at the DSBN. Always had a smile on her face and always eager to help. Always spoke of her family with such high regard. Thinking of you and your family at this time.

Sonia Murcia Guthrie
25 days ago

Como olvidarte Linda, si tu hiciste de nuestro matrimonio algo inolvidable, preparar la comida mas deliciosa del mundo, aun muchas personan 21 years despues, hablan de los panes rellenos de crema y queso derretido…. Gracias por siempre.

How can I forget you, Linda, if you made our marriage unforgettable, if you present for us was cooking the most delicious food in the world, many people, 21 years after, still talk about the bread filled with cream and melted cheese…. Thank you forever.

Linda Gordon❤️💕
29 days ago

So very sorry to hear of your loss🙏

Joanna Spiteri
29 days ago

Nelson and family, my deepest condolences for the loss of Linda. Thoughts and prayers to the whole family for the loss of a beautiful lady.

Colleen & Ed Mamede
30 days ago

Our deepest condolences & prayers to Nelson, Sophia, Danny and Mr & Mrs Lingaitis. We were so saddened & heartbroken to hear Linda passed away. Linda was truly one of a kind and a very special human who touched everyone she met. She had an incredible way of bringing people together. This was her gift, amongst so many talents. We are so grateful to have her in our lives. We keep you all close to our hearts. Rest in peace friend 💓

Lisa Steward
1 month ago

Dear Nelson, Sofia, Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Lingaitis,
I wish there was something I could say that would ease your pain but please accept my deepest condolences and know how deeply she was loved. Linda was such a shining star in many people’s lives. Her positivity, talent for everything she did, her determination, generosity, her big heart and infectious laugh were just a part of what made her so very special. I feel blessed to have had her in my life and to have shared so many wonderful memories. My love to you all.

Barry Hallam
1 month ago

Ma And Pa. I’m so sorry for your loss my prayers are with you both. Love you both.

Barry Hallam
1 month ago

Nelson and Sophie and Danny. It is with the heaviest heart to hear about Linda. I will always be here for all of you if you need anything. I will come and see you all after I get back from Ottawa

Pam Matacic
1 month ago

Condolences to Linda’s family. I worked with Linda at Niagara Motors for many years. She was a great colleague and taught me a lot.

diane lingaitis
1 month ago

John and Astryda
I was so sorry to hear of Linda’s passing. She was a remarkable woman, who was taken way too soon.
Please accept my sincere condolence.

Diane Lingaitis

Florence hernandez Louis
1 month ago

Nous sommes bouleversés a l annonce du départ de Linda, Ma mère Mare Thérèse, mon frère Joël et moi même adressons nos plus sincères condoléances à l ensemble de la famille de Linda, particulièrement à ses enfants, son mari et ses parents. Je garde des souvenirs précieux de notre rencontre, de notre complicité et de son séjour au sein de notre famille en France, je garderai de Linda le souvenir d une femme rayonnante et charismatique.Linda aura toujours une place dans notre coeur. Nous sommes avec vous en pensées. Très affectueusement. Florence

Familia Peña Quimbaya
1 month ago

La Familia Peña Quimbaya de Colombia acompaña de todo corazón a Nelson, a sus hijos, a los padres de Linda y a sus familiares, les enviamos un fuerte abrazo y deseamos que Dios les de mucha fortaleza para despedir a Linda y para entender este proceso de trascendencia, Los acompañamos con las oraciones para que el espíritu de Linda sea recibida por Dios.

Sabdra B
1 month ago

Dios acoja su alma en el descanso eterno!!!

Lambrini & Pete Gayowski
1 month ago

We had the honour and pleasure of meeting you and becoming friends . From working all those events to talking sports we always enjoyed your spirit and love . You will forever be in our hearts ❤️

In loving memory ...
I/we pledge to make a memorial donation.
Andres Diaz Contreras e hija
1 month ago

Los acompañamos en este difícil momento y deseamos que su memoria sea motivo de aliento y fortaleza para sobreponerse a la pena por su partida.

1 month ago

All my best thoughts for the family. Big hug.

Familia Gabrie Kattán
1 month ago

Querido Nelson,

Nuestras más sinceras condolencias a tí y a toda tu familia. Nuestras oraciones y nuestros corazones están con ustedes.

Que nuestro Señor y nuestra Madre Santísima reciban el alma de Linda y la hagan gozar de su eterna Gloria. Asimismo, que ellos les brinde a todos ustedes Paz, Serenidad y Fortaleza en estos duros momentos.

Con la mirada llena de Fe y confiando en la misericordia de Dios, unidos a ustedes, pedimos que El nos muestre el camino para -en su debido momento- nos reencontremos con nuestros seres amados.

Que Dios les bendiga,

José Gabrie y familia.


The family of Linda Anne Lingaitis would like you to consider placing a donation to one of the following charities:

St. Catharines Cathedral Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Cheque or cash only (via the Cathedral or through Essentials Cremation and Burial Services Inc.)

Note:  If you plan on making a donation, please notify the family by posting a condolence.

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