Obituary Photo of Glenna Schulz
In Loving Memory of

Glenna Jean Schulz


Obituary of Glenna Jean Schulz

After a very brief illness, Glenna passed away surrounded by the love of her parents at the St. Catharines Hospital, on Thursday, June 13, 2024. Glenna was the loving mother of Gordon, and a sweet and funny daughter of Sandie and Harvey. She was a dear sister to Robbie, Danny (Connie), Alex (Kim), and will be remembered as a caring and silly aunt to her nephews, Devin, Adam, Jakob, Zackary and great-niece Isla and great-nephew Zac. Glenna is a niece to Olga Morrow, Carl (Lorraine), Glen Gordon, and is survived by many cousins and a large extended family. Glenna was dearly loved by her Granny Gordon, Gramma and Grampa Schulz, and was also predeceased by her special aunts Mary, Paunnie, Ruth, Marjorie, and Jean (the late John).

A special thank you to the staff at the St. Catharines General Hospital, the nurses and doctor in the ICU, and to her personal support workers through CCAC, for their excellent care and support that they provided to Glenna. In accordance with Glenna’s wishes, cremation has taken place, and a private family memorial will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be given in her name to the Brain Injury Association of Niagara or to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Online condolences may be shared on Glenna’s tribute page found at

Service Information

There are no upcoming public services scheduled or the service has occurred in the past.

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Cathy Young Blay
6 hours ago

So sad to hear of Glennas passing.
We were childhood friends from Parliament Oak and neighbours for a time in Niagara. I can’t count how many school class photos there are of us sitting side by side because we were the smallest in the class, always in the front row.
She was a funny kid, a quality that never changed in her as she she got older.
I’ve thought of her often over the years and will always remember her.
RIP Glenna.

Gwyneth Freeman
3 days ago

I was sorry to hear of Glenna’s passing. She is in my thoughts and my condolences to the family. I knew Glenna right from Kindergarten through high school. She had an amazing way of looking at life ❤️.

Tracy Morin Maguire
4 days ago

I was very sorry to hear of Glenna’s passing…we went to NDSS together and had so many fun and crazy times together. It’s been a few years since I’d seen her. I hope you’re dancing up there Glenna! Rest in peace.

Valerie Wiebe
4 days ago

I am so sorry to hear this news. Glenna and I went to high-school together… and oh the crazy things we did! We had so much fun and emitted out days together. When Gordon came along we lost touch, but she was never far from my heart. My condolences to your family at this very sad time. Xo
Valerie Carter Wiebe

5 days ago

Fly high my Precious “Glee”. I love you beyond words and measure. I will miss our talks and our giggles. Gosh i will miss you so much. Im so blessed to be your friend. Save me a dance. A donation will be made to Rescue 1 to honor the love you had for Shelby. My love thoughts and prayers to all who love you.

Jane & Tom Bates
6 days ago

Sending our love and condolences to Sandie & Harv and family. xo

Ann and Gino
6 days ago

Glennie…you have always had such a special place in my heart, and then in Gino’s when he joined our family. My many memories with you are flooding back especially those spent together in our summers in Niagara. I loved that you were my flower girl and how beautiful you looked, and how much fun we had that day! You have had your struggles yet your amazing big smile always shone through. That always inspired me. That smile and your twinkling eyes will be what I miss so much.

My sincerest and deepest condolences to Sandie and Harv, Gordie, Rob, Danny and Connie, Alex and Kim and all of the kids. A loss so hard to bear.

We hope you are at peace especially knowing you have left a legacy of love and devotion to all of us. Love my little Glennie.

Last edited 6 days ago by Ann and Gino
Carol Ann
7 days ago

My dearest sweet Glenna,
I can’t believe you had to leave us. A huge part of my heart has gone with you.
I will forever remember all the silly, crazy and nutty things we did as kids. You were always such a nut bar and you always made me laugh. Sometimes we laughed until we cried.
I’m going to miss you forever. I’ll never ever forget all of the fun times we had together. Not only were you my cousin, you were also one of my best friends.
I love you so much.
Rest easy my beautiful angel. Until we meet again. By the way don’t cause too much trouble up there in heaven.
I’m sending all my love and thoughts to Gordie, Aunt Sandie, Uncle Harvey and Robbie, Danny, Alex and families.

Last edited 7 days ago by Carol Ann
Kelly Quinn
7 days ago

I’m very sad to hear of the passing of Glenna as her and I were close mates when she returned to school later in life. She was always a fun loving friend. RIP Glenna. Loving memories of our times together- my deepest condolences to the family of Glenna.

Nikki Zizek
8 days ago

I’m so very sorry for your loss. I know how much Glenna loved and admired all of you. I’m gonna miss that girl-she was my good friend for 42 years and I loved her very much. We had a million giggles right up until the last weekend and I will treasure these memories always. Big hugs to all of you. Nikki and Stan

In loving memory ...
I/we pledge to make a memorial donation.
8 days ago

That’s a beautiful picture❤️

Glenn and Ruth
8 days ago

So sorry to hear of the passing of Glenna. Our deepest sympathy.

Melody Middleton
8 days ago

She will certainly be missed. Many memories of silliness & fun with our family way back in the day.

Deanna DeBon
8 days ago

My thoughts and prayers are with Mr. and Mrs. Schulz and the entire family. May your memories of Glenna fill you with joy in this difficult time

Carrie Mayor (Middleton)
8 days ago

We are so very saddened to hear of the loss of such a gentle hearted person. She will be so very much missed by us all. Rest in peace my friend. Sending condolences and love to you Gordon, Sandie and Harvey.

Donna Kasper Morrison
9 days ago

Dear Gordon and Glennas’ mom and dad…l am so shocked by this and words cannot say how l feel for your loss and for the profound emptiness l already feel. My best friend for 57 yrs my dear Glenna..l love and miss you angel. Till we meet again at the park in our hometown. XOXO infinity !!


The family of Glenna Jean Schulz would like you to consider placing a donation to one of the following charities:

Brain Injury Association of Niagara
Visit Site

Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Visit Site

Note:  If you plan on making a donation, please notify the family by posting a condolence.

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