Caroline Hicks Obit
In Loving Memory of

Caroline Elizabeth Hicks

1952 ~ 2024

Obituary of Caroline Elizabeth Hicks

Caroline Elizabeth Hicks peacefully departed from this world on June 8, 2024. Caroline's legacy is carried on by her adoring daughters, Nikki Hicks and Jenifer (Valerie) Hicks, whose unwavering love for their mother will live on indefinitely.

Caroline found joy in the simple pleasures of life, from her favorite television shows to the intricate challenges of jigsaw puzzles and the spirited competition of board games, especially Scrabble sessions with her cherished grandsons, Seth and Mitch Taylor.

Born on August 19, 1952, in Brampton, Ontario, Caroline was one of nine children. Despite life's trials, she embraced her role as a single mother with unwavering dedication to her daughters.

Her radiant smile had the power to light up any room, and her genuine kindness and love left a lasting mark on everyone she encountered. Caroline was a beacon of strength, determination, and authenticity. Nothing could sway her from being true to herself—free-spirited, playful, and delightfully mischievous.

In keeping with Caroline’s wishes, cremation has taken place and arrangements are entrusted to Essentials Cremation and Burial Services. While we mourn her physical absence, we celebrate a life lived with unparalleled zest and authenticity. A celebration of Caroline's life will be held at a later date, where her spirit will undoubtedly shine bright, just as it did during her time with us.

Service Information

There are no upcoming public services scheduled or the service has occurred in the past.

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Barb K.
14 days ago

Forever in my heart…I will miss you…I will miss your big warm smile & heart until we meet again my friend!!! love you!

15 days ago

You will be missed dearly bi sis 😢 forever in my heart ❤ I’m here for you girls always love and hugs 🤗 🥰❤

Pat Antonio
16 days ago

Jen deepest of condolences on the loss of your wonderful Mom. May she rest in peace. ❤️

Last edited 16 days ago by Pat Antonio
16 days ago

I will miss you Caroline, we didn’t know each other long but I will never forget you. Until we meet again my friend.


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